Selection Criteria:
To receive long-term support, the primary criterion is vulnerable families affected by the earthquake who are housed in temporary shelters or in the Al-Sukkari and Al-Sha'ar neighborhoods, and whose children do not receive adequate care and are at risk of separation. The main criterion must be:
* Families provided for by women (father deceased, missing, imprisoned, or the mother is divorced and alone) or (father suffers from a mental or physical disability, or is unable to provide childcare due to chronic illness, in which case a government medical report with a disability rate >30% must be provided).
* Or families provided for by children (children who have lost both parents or one parent, with the other unable to provide care due to disability, chronic illness, or social traditions related to women's work).
We need to reach children who do not receive adequate care and are at risk of separation from the most vulnerable families in the neighborhood which includes a total of 8,000 families. Based on context analysis that identifies Al-Sukkari and Al-Sha'ar as some of the poorest neighborhoods in Aleppo, we should apply the following sub-criteria:
1. Basic needs of children (educational, medical, psychological, nutritional, housing) are unmet; children are neglected or at risk of neglect: malnutrition, untreated physical or mental health issues, non-enrolment or dropout from school, lack of safe housing.
2. Children are exposed to or at risk of abuse.
3. One or both parents/caregivers suffer from chronic or life-threatening illness or disability.
4. Family income is insufficient to meet children's basic needs.
5. Family consists of 4 or more children and adolescents, excluding caregivers.
6. Vulnerable orphaned children living with extended family (uncle, grandfather, etc.).
7. Family has two or more children under the age of 14.
8. Family has children under the age of 5.
9. One or more children suffer from chronic, mental, or physical disability.
10. Children are at risk of dropping out or have already dropped out of school.
11. One or more children have been abandoned.
12. Neglected children spending their time on the streets.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Families related to or close to any SOS Children's Villages staff. (Must meet at least 6 sub-criteria in addition to the main criterion. Evaluation will be conducted by a specialized committee to ensure transparency).
2. Families not affected by the earthquake.
3. Families without children.
4. Families that do not meet the main criterion.
5. Families associated with the Directorate of Social Affairs. (Must meet at least 6 sub-criteria in addition to the main criterion).
6. Families associated with local partners or key stakeholders. (Must meet at least 6 sub-criteria in addition to the main criterion).
7. Families not belonging to the targeted neighborhoods.
8. Families benefiting from another organization's cash program.
9. Families with a conflict of interest with any service providers working with SOS Children's Villages.
10. If there are no family caregivers over the age of 18 who can legally receive cash services through the transfer system.
Note: Families supported by other NGOs but are still eligible according to our criteria can receive non-material services and case management support.
Communication Channels for Selection Criteria:
SOS Children's Villages Syria announces the selection criteria through the following channels:
1. SOS Children's Villages social media platforms in Syria.
2. SOS partner organizations working in the area.
3. Key community figures (local leaders, neighborhood chief).
4. Community meetings.
5. Operations room.
6. Field staff representatives in the area.
7. Accountability assistant to the affected population in the community.
8. Feedback mechanisms for requesting information.